Tech Fortress

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Please read and abide by these rules before playing on any of our servers or communicating on any of our established platforms. (IRC, forum, discord, ingame chat, etc.) Participating in any Tech Fortress-sponsored communication platform or servers means you agree to these rules and any future modifications. We aim to keep the rules succinct and common-sense. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in chat.


  1. Respect others
  2. Profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, etc. are prohibited
  3. Spamming and unsolicited advertising are prohibited
  4. Malicious messages and activities are prohibited
  5. Ban evasion under any form is not permitted
  6. Please use English.


  1. Respect others
    1. Do not harass or threaten other users, or coordinate harassment on others.
    2. Do not propagate false or deceptive information.
  2. Profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, etc. are prohibited
    1. Censored/abbreviated foul language is not permitted
      • “heavily” abbreviated variants are permitted, but still discouraged
    2. This rule also applies to usernames
    3. Messages or images of sexual or sexually-suggestive nature are not permitted
  3. Spamming and unsolicited advertising are prohibited
    1. Reptition of punctuation, letters, messages, words, etc. in short duration is prohibited.
  4. Malicious messages and activities are prohibited
    1. Using deceptive links (phishing) to gather player information without consent is not permitted.
    2. Messages sent and activities performed with malignant intent is not permitted.
  5. Ban evasion under any form is not permitted
    1. Using an alternative account to evade a punishment will result in the immediate suspension of the alternative account and lengthening of your ban. If you wish to obtain more information about your ban, please use the appeal form
    2. Discussions of your ban, or other user’s bans is discouraged. All discussion of bans should be done via the appeal form.
  6. Please use English
    • The common language of this community is English.

      Dr. John Ogbu, Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley - presenter at the National Catholic Educational Association 1998 - has researched Cultural Diversity and has made excellent observations. Dr. Ogbu is originally from Africa and has done numerous studies and shared his research concerning educational excellence. Also, Dr. Ogbu mentioned it is rude to speak a foreign language around those who do not speak in that language, especially if you can speak a common language. He stated, “No culture or language is better than another.” They are different, but not superior.

Additional rules pertaining to specific servers or services may be provided within those servers/services, please be sure to abide by those as well.

Changes to these rules are tracked here.